Sunday, June 13, 2010

Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools

I'm a picky reader. In fact, I'm so picky that I always thought I didn't like to read. Really, I just needed to find some books that were interesting and would captivate me. I only rediscovered reading while I was in China. Of course, that sort of thing happens when you're deprived of English reading materials.

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortenson

These two books are amazing. Everyone should read them. The first chronicles the life of Greg Mortenson, a man who failed to climb K2 but whose life changed irreversably after he began building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Stones Into Schools continues the journey in 2008 with his attempt to build schools in Afghanistan and onward. It's a little strange to speak of attacks on the Taliban by the US in the past tense considering it's still going on, but I guess that is how history is written. It's also a little strange to hear the other side of the story, how someone over there experienced these things.

Right now I'm listening to the part where he is talking about the devastating earthquake which killed 86,000 people and it's heartbreaking. It's a strong reminder of the Sichuan earthquake in China in May of 2008. I'll never forget that day.

I don't think I even heard of this earthquake in Pakistan. I was in China at the time. Maybe it was censored because of how raw and painful that wound was still in China.

Anyway, these books are amazing. Everyone should read them.