A lot has happened since I last blogged. So this will be long.
Caroline was in a motorcycle accident. That was by far the worst day I’ve had in China and I’ve had a few doozies. What amazes me still is that everyone showed up at the hospital around 5, 6 am when we had all been out the night before and had just gone to bed an hour or two before. Usually I wouldn’t ever answer the phone because I’m a sound sleeper to begin with, let alone if I’ve been up really late. She didn’t break any bones and didn’t suffer any lasting head trauma. When she called me at 5 am, that was the most frightening call I have ever received in my life. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I have no teeth and there’s blood everywhere. I was in an accident. I don’t know where I am.” I’ll never forget that phone call. Luckily, she’s okay now. She healed really quickly. That was about a month ago.
So last Thursday, I went to Chengde with Jenna to visit Jeremy before he went to Lead America. It was fun hanging out with him. Khaled was cool too. It’s weird to think that he has a son and a wife. The first thing we did when we got to Jeremy’s apartment was sleep as we had none on the train to Chengde. Then some Chinese men came into the apartment and Jenna said, “There’s some Chinese men in here.” I said, “Oh, okay.” Then she closed the door and we went back to sleep. We were too tired to care. They may have been surprised to see us since no one is supposed to be living in Michelle’s apartment.
After Chengde, I headed to Beijing and met up with Caroline, her family, Erin and Jon. We were running around trying to get train or bus tickets to Hohhot (Inner Mongolia) because they kept telling us they didn’t have any. That was a bit stressful. Finally we got train tickets. We had soft sleepers which was my first experience with that. They were awesome. Eleven hours went by quickly. Hohhot was fantastic. I rode a camel in the desert and did sand sliding. We thought we didn’t have much time to do other stuff so I didn’t get to do parasailing in the sand which would have been fun. But I rode a camel in the desert!!!
The next day we went to the grasslands and we ate in a yurt with an Inner Mongolian family. We had traditional Mongolian milk tea and sweet cheese and millet for a snack. It was cool. It was really relaxing and reminded me of Iowa with the farm animals. Then we went horseback riding. That was a little frightening. I have ridden a horse once when I was like 8 years old but I was led by someone. This was different because they didn’t lead us and I had no idea what I was doing. They didn’t really explain anything but what else should I have expected? My horse kept wanting to take off. Erin’s did too. Her horse really just wanted to run off. Both of us were the least experienced and had horses that kept trying to run. But it was soo fun. I’d do it again.
Hohhot was fantastic and we were lucky the weather was great. The torch relay was also there too, but we didn’t get to see it because we were in the desert that day. Jon and Caroline’s mom saw it and thought it was cool.
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