Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First thunderstorm in Shijiazhuang

Okay, so I take what I said back. It does storm in Shijiazhuang. We experienced our first storm in the Shiz last Friday. It took most of us by surprise. When I heard the thunder, I assumed it was a car accident on my street. Another Shizzite saw the lightning and was plugging in a new hairdryer at the same time and thought she electrocuted herself. Another person thought that there were fireworks going off again. Clearly, it has been too long since any of us have experienced a real thunderstorm. Almost 8 months for me. It made me happy but it also seemed to drive the foreigners inside. When I went to Mcdonald’s, I was the only foreigner there. Usually there are no Chinese people there. I was really confused as to why the place was packed with Chinese people but I couldn’t think of a reason other than the rainy weather.

Last night, I had sushi for the first time. It was good. Since being in China I’ve had Russian, Korean and Japanese food for the first time.

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