Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mystery fruit and politics

I ate part of a gigantic unidentifiable fruit on Tuesday. It was bigger than a coconut and heavy and green. It reminded me of jackfruit. It looked like a pear on steroids. My neighbor/student Lee Jung In brought it over and we attacked it with my puny paring knife. Then he ripped it apart because my knife just wasn’t cutting it. It tasted like a grapefruit. It’s called a Yowsa in Chinese. Not that I know what that is in English. I love the fruit here. I wish we had more of it in the States.

Now for today’s topic: American politics

Oh lord, if you want to see fear, you should have just seen me when I was talking about politics in my 8 am sophomore class today. All of the students became very serious and quiet and no one dared ask a question, until I changed the subject and talked about American society and the TV shows they watch here. One of my students wouldn’t leave me alone until I talked about it in class, so now it’s done and she can’t pester me anymore. Let’s just say that the first hour (or the hour that shall not be named) was intense. The second hour was light hearted and everyone started talking again because we did fun activities and I finally got them to speak mostly in English because I had a “trophy” for the person who spoke the least amount of English and I made them speak at the end of class. I told them they could pass it on to whoever was speaking in Chinese, so it traveled a bit.

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