Sunday, November 25, 2007

Weekend recap

Vikey woke me up at 8:30 am to remind me about today’s radio broadcast. I woke up a couple times, at 4 am due to Richard’s loud talking and 9:30 to get ready. I heard lots of people talking in the hallway and then it got quiet so I thought people had left. Nope, at 10:30 am when I went downstairs, the hallway was filled with people, many of whom were wearing suits. Obviously, I had no idea what was going on. There were maybe 100-200 people in my hall just standing and blocking the way out.

I went to a housewarming with Rich, Hugh, Josh and Jenna. I met a lot of new people including Mike and Cindy who grew up in Des Moines. It’s bizarre how many people have ties to Des Moines. They’ve lived in China for 17 years now.

I met up with Caroline to go Christmas shopping near the train station. At lunch, we were stared at by a Chinese beggar for the entirety of our lunch, maybe a good 30-45 minutes. After lunch, he started to follow us and so Caroline and I split up with Sharon and Wendy (our Chinese acquaintances) to distract him. It worked and we walked away quickly.

Jenna met me later for dinner and we watched a Korean movie and part of the Simpsons Movie. We also got delicious lamb sticks.

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